
Showing posts from December, 2023

El Tour De Tucson 2023

I am super happy to complete my hat-rick 100 miler historic race(El Tour De Tucson) in Tucson, Arizona beating my 2 previous ride timings.  If you have not read my previous 2 ride summary, please click the links below 2022 2021 Last year was one of my busiest year with hectic work schedule, taking up a new job function, family events, strength training, injuries, recovery but yet it is one of my strongest year. One of my favorite activity for for last week of every year is to look back, cherish and decode key facts for the year. This year I wrote things I should continue, improve and stop Top 3 things I should continue   Strength training & Cycling Read for 15 mins daily Measure consistently & Pivot Top 3 things I should Improve Active listening Let others fail & learn Focus on long term outcomes Top 3 things I should Stop Im